Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My first post!

Well, here is my first ever post! I decided to create a blog to show my day to day life, so my first ever post will be an overview! I live in the forest, in a cabin, and almost every part of my life is Viking inspired. I live the kind of life that most people in today's society, would never attempt. Yet, there is that small part of society that would love to live this life (don't hide, I know you're out there!). I want to show people the beautiful reality of living free, and simple, and self sustained. And maybe, it'll just convince more people to try and live this way. It is hard, yes, do not get me wrong, you have to be tough! Especially living in northern Canada, where temperatures can hit a low of -45c (like it is this very moment). Forget your convenience, and cities, and towns, and social life, haha! The nearest town with a population of maybe.. 50, is 15 minutes away, and all that is there is a post office, and gas station. The nearest city is 2 hours away, so stocking up on necessities is a must! I live with my fiance, Dan, and our 3 dogs.
Living this way truly makes you appreciate every single little thing you have. Everyday i'm truly grateful for the roof over my head, the wood stove, our meat in the freezer, and my little family.
"What do you do there? Don't you get bored?" You may be asking. And the answer is Survive, and no!
Every day I wake up and think "what do I need to do today?". Now that it is winter, and the temperature drops severely, plus not to mention being up to your waist in snow, wood cutting is something we do on a regular basis. You're probably thinking 'Why don't you get that done when its not cold?!' Well, because it gets us out and about, gets us moving on cold days, and also makes us tough of course! There is no time for sitting around when you live like this, so the more work you can make, the better! Also in wintertime, we trap for fur. This is a very sensitive topic for a lot of people, but this is our income, and also it keeps us warm if I decide to make some clothes from it! Also, I keep myself busy with my online store, Norse Wares.
In the summer time, life is of course a little easier (except for all the damn mosquitoes, ugh). We spend our summers growing our garden for our vegetables, visiting lakes, swimming in our river, and lots of fun activities.
Hunting wild game is an all year round must. We hunt Elk, Moose, and Deer to keep us fed for the year.
Every day for us is basic survival, but in the end it makes us real. And I can honestly say, I have NO regrets about living this way. It was my choice 2 years ago to leave the city. I hated it, I hated looking out of the window to a colorless, nature-less world, seeing drones disguised as people walking the streets, going to work. It wasn't for me. I wanted to look out of my window and see the trees, birds, animals. I wanted to go outside and only hear the earth, not the sound of vehicles and people. I wanted to be able to breathe fresh air, not pollution, and I do. I love this life, and honestly, I don't think i'd ever go back. You may have many questions, because I don't think I've even covered a quarter of my life here, so please, ask away! I look forward to updating you all on my days, and I hope you truly enjoy my blog!
If you want to visit my online store, please go to !
Also, free free to come find me on facebook,


  1. This sounds cool but do you not have/need a job?

    1. Like I said, trapping is our winter income. If enough animals are caught, we make a good winter paycheck. Also my store is my own personal income. We have a bison ranching job in the summer!

  2. What a wonderful life you're living, yet a challenge though. I too am not going to live in some stupid city, but I don't think I will decide to live in a forest. I will try to find a place where there are at least a beautiful nature that I can enjoy and get stunned by, and wake up hearing the birds singing on a lovely morning... That is what I call 'LIFE' <3 also I'm a folk metalhead as well and proud to be. ^^


    1. Wonderful! I hope you get to live that life in the near future!

  3. This sounds like such a great and fulfilling way of living.. I hope to one day have a life similar to this as well! And I really admire how you've made this life for yourself! You're so much more accomplished than myself and I think we're the same or pretty close in age. Haha just means I have to work harder I suppose. Can't wait to see your future posts :)
    P.S. you totally got me into folk metal after I found your Facebook and now it's practically all I listen to haha


  4. Thank you! :) And i'm glad that you have got into folk metal, it is amazing :)

  5. Wow! I really love this idea! Congratulations on it! ;) I'm actually thinking that I'll resort to this type of living in the future, but I never understood how can we deal with some of its limitations. Hopefully i'll learn that reading your blog. :)

    But please, don't show us just the good side. Show us the tough side as well and how you deal with it. Because living away from every bit of civilization has its downsides too right?

    A question though:
    How do you do with electricity and home appliances? Do you have solar panels or something? Or do you run yourself by the lights of candles and fireplace (which isn't bad at all. :D )?

    I have more questions, but I'll post them as i read your entries.
    Big hug from across the ocean!


    1. Well, electricity is one of the only things we have kept modern. We live close enough to have service. Electricity, and internet service. Electricity is a must though, so we can keep our fridge and freezer working, else we'd starve! haha. Even so, we have thought of solar. It's just finding the money to create, or buy solar panels.

    2. Ah! Come on! You wouldn't starve!! Not with -15 to -20ºC ouside! You would just have to create an ice cellar, like they did before. ;)
      OR, you could make a smoke house and make smoked products out of the game you catch. :) In Portugal, that was a very common technique after killing the fattened pig, so that no part of it was wasted. That's how Chorizo and other products were born. ;)

  6. have you ever thought of making something like this?

    1. Great idea! Thanks for sharing, might be something I will try!


  8. i thought u had 4 dogs?

  9. Oh girl I really love your way to live, I live in an island and is not the nature beauty that I like but I hope one day I will go out of the island and have a life with my boyfriend in the forest like you^^ Kisses, you're amazing.
